Members List

Commissioners and Members

The COSW is comprised of members drawn from Wayne State University's faculty and staff, as well as volunteers from the campus community and student body. Each volunteer brings with them a different area of expertise and an enthusiasm to address the issues of equality and equity that affect women at the university through programming and advocacy. If you are looking for a meaningful way to be involved and make a difference in the campus community, please consider becoming a volunteer by contacting the chair of one of the COSW committees that best meets your interests.


Commission Administration

Chair Clayton, Stacie Director of Community Relations, Government and Community Affairs
Vice Chair Strawser, Ashley Academic Services Officer, Law School
Treasurer of COSW Corbett-Turner, Deirdre Coordinator of Student Organization Programs and Events
Secretary of COSW Caloia, Stefanie Archivist, Reuther Library


2024-25 COSW Commissioners

Baker, Blair
Burnette-Maurice, Jill
Caloia, Stefanie
Chopra, Teena
Cooke, Carretta 
Corbett-Turner, Deirdre
Erickson, Lisa
Chair, Health and Wellness Committee
Hall, Cassandra
Chair, Gender & Equity Committee
Hausner, Courtney
Hinchey, Liza
Hinojosa, Melanie
Jackson, Angela
Jorah, KaRie
Kivlen, Christine
Kojku, Klea
McCarroll, Marya
Mitchell, Ryan

Oldfield, Monique
Chair, Career Development Committee

Pewitt, Shawn
Reeves, Danielle
Chair, Social Justice Committee
Robertson, Tommiea
Salim, Melak
Shohatee, Sadfah 
Snyder, Madison
Strawser, Ashley 
Strong, Pura
Thomas, Brittany
Treadwell, Tiffany
Chair, PR & Marketing Committee
Madelyn Tucker
Wallace, Erika 
Whitmore, Eulonda
Wigington, Eugenia


COSW Liaisons

Banks, Brandy, Title IX Office
Padgett, Donyale, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Chess, Simone, Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies Program
Jackson, Christine, Department of Management, MISB
Hafner, Carolyn, Division of Human Resources
Lammers, Amy, Office of Equal Opportunity