Volunteer Opportunity with WC S.A.F.E.!
The Commission on the Status of Women is pleased to share the following information regarding an volunteer opportunity that the community may be interested in. Hosted by the Wayne County Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner's Advocacy Program (WC SAFE).
The mission of the Wayne County Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner's Advocacy Program (WC SAFE) is to provide comprehensive and compassionate medical-forensic care to Wayne County survivors of sexual assault in a timely manner with immediate crisis advocacy, follow-up care & counseling, and provision of expert witness testimony.
WC SAFE has several volunteer positions and opportunities available for individuals interested in working directly with survivors of sexual assault or as a part of our administrative team. See PDF links below for more information.
Please consider becoming a part of a much needed and fast growing service provider in the Metro Detroit area. Wayne County SAFE Advocacy Program provides specialized, emergency clinic services, immediate crisis intervention and counseling, supportive services, advocacy and referrals.
With the busy holiday season, all volunteer applications must be received no later than December 16, 2011. All completed applications should be faxed to Amy Dowd at 313-964-9706. After December 16, 2011, we will be in contact with you to set up an interview.