Statement from the President's Commission on the Status of Women

Statement from the President's Commission on the Status of Women

Members of the President's Commission the Status of Women have been profoundly impacted during recent events in Metro Detroit, the Nation and World. The last several weeks of civil unrest are the culmination of numerous years of oppression and inequity that many of our nation's citizens have endured, often through the course of their lifetimes. The murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Aiyana Jones, Malice Green, Ahmaud Arbery and many others have been tragically emblematic of that degree of oppression and violence. Other names to know and remember who perished for no better a reason than who they were: Tony McDade, Riah Milton, Rem'mie Fells and Oluwatoyin Salau, among others. We of the President's Commission on the Status of Women decry that oppression and inequity and stand with the Black community as we declare that Black Lives Matter.

The Commission's mission advocates for gender equity and encompasses all who experience marginalizing behavior on campus and in our community. We have a focus of intersectionality and endeavor to inform and educate on the behalf of those whose voices go unheard or are silenced. We will continue to strive towards making those voices inclusive to our commission and mission. To be silent now is to be complicit; we will speak up on the behalf of those who do not seek anything more beyond being treated in the fashion promised to all of us - that we are all created equal, that liberty applies to us all.

However, it is not enough to simply affirm this commitment. It is necessary to take specific, tangible actions toward this end. COSW will offer educational opportunities in the coming months to bring awareness to and motivate for change. Compiled here is a short list of actions that can be undertaken to support the efforts of all who seek justice and equity.

Peaceful Protests (following safe practices)

Community Dialogue Events. Programming that brings together all those impacted by marginalization, including representatives from opposing sides, with a goal of defining and planning for positive growth and change within the WSU and Detroit Communities.

Community Assistance. Black communities have been heavily impacted by Covid 19 as well as protest activities. Your assistance in terms of donations (the collection of goods, funding, etc.) and volunteering within the communities would help restore and rejuvenate affected areas.

Contact with Local and State Leadership. It is your right to be heard and to demand reforms to policies that promote inequity and injustice. Issues such as de-escalation training for law enforcement, cultural humility training for law and service providers, etc. deserve our attention and our voice.

The Commission affirms its dedication to all of us on campus and in the campus community to assure a fair, just, and equitable experience now and in the time to come.

Elizabeth McQuillen, PhD
Chair, President's Commission on the Status of Women

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